Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 6:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chambers (1E-126)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-199 1a)Day of Action and Remembrance for Japanese American Incarceration During World War II Proclamation   Not available Not available
25-200 1a)Fourth Quarter 2024 Report and Communication from the Parks & Community Services Board (Written information only. No presentation.)   Not available Not available
25-201 1a)Yarrow Point Franchise Agreement and Water and Sewer Rate Amendments   Not available Not available
25-202 1a)Council Minutes Minutes of January 28, 2025   Not available Not available
RES 10468 1b)Resolution authorizing execution a five-year agreement, with an option to extend for two additional two-year terms, between the City of Bellevue and American Traffic Solutions, Inc., doing business as Verra Mobility, for the continued use of automated cameras to issue notices of red-light infractions at selected arterial intersections and speeding infractions at selected elementary schools within City limits.   Not available Not available
RES 10469 1c)Resolution authorizing the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HDR, Inc. in the amount of $935,000.00, plus all applicable taxes, for planning and engineering design services for the 114th Avenue SE and SE 8th Street Complete Streets Project (CIP Plan No. PW-R-207). This project is partially funded by the Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy (PW-R-199).   Not available Not available
RES 10470 1d)Resolution authorizing execution of a grant agreement (and supplements if necessary) with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to accept up to $3,500,000 in federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding to support design of the NE Spring Boulevard Zone 3, Arterial/Multimodal Network Completion Project, part of the NE Spring Boulevard (Zone 3) - 124th Ave NE to 130th Ave NE Program (CIP Plan No. PW-R-210).   Not available Not available
RES 10471 1e)Resolution authorizing execution of a professional services agreement with Urbancraft Consulting, LLC, in the amount of $354,860, plus all applicable taxes, for engineering services to support demolition of four City owned, buildings along West Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE.   Not available Not available
RES 10472 1f)Resolution authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to accept a new, non-exclusive franchise from the Town of Yarrow Point for the purpose of operating water and sewer utilities within the Town’s public rights-of-way.   Not available Not available
ORD 6832 1g)Ordinance establishing revised sewerage service charges for the Sewer Utility for the City of Bellevue; repealing Ordinance No. 6818; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available
ORD 6833 1h)Ordinance establishing revised charges for water service, water consumption, and water standby capacity for private fire protection for the Water Utility for the City of Bellevue; repealing Ordinance No. 6819; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available
25-203 1a)Proposal for Renewal of King County Medic One/Emergency Medical Services Levy   Not available Not available
25-204 1b)King County Metro RapidRide K Line - Transit Priority Lanes and Public Engagement   Not available Not available
25-205 1a)Intergovernmental Affairs Monthly Update   Not available Not available