Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2025 6:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chambers (1E-126)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-118 1a)Arts Commission recommendations for the 2025 Eastside Arts Partnership Support Grant and Project Grant allocations.   Not available Not available
25-119 1a)Update of the Fire Community Risk Assessment and Standard of Cover   Not available Not available
25-120 1a)Council Liaison Recommendation for Appointment to the Human Services Commission   Not available Not available
25-121 1a)Council Minutes Minutes of December 2, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2024 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
RES 10462 1b)Resolution authorizing the execution of a Technical Services Agreement with Interloc Solutions, Inc., in a not to exceed amount of $1,182,745 plus all applicable taxes for required Maximo asset management system upgrade and ongoing maintenance support services.   Not available Not available
RES 10463 1c)Resolution authorizing execution of a grant agreement with King County for $1,100,000 through the King County Flood Control District’s Flood Reduction Grant Program for the Upper Kelsey Creek Phase 2 - Lake Hills Blvd Culvert Replacement Project.   Not available Not available
RES 10464 1d)Resolution authorizing the execution of a five-year farm lease with two five-year extension options with 3rd Space LLC d/b/a tBUG (the Bellevue Urban Garden) (“tBug”) to provide agricultural services for the Lake Hills Greenbelt for in-kind services to the City valued at up to $7,675 over the initial term, plus all applicable taxes.   Not available Not available
RES 10465 1e)Resolution authorizing the execution of a five-year farm lease with two five-year extension options with Sunshine Chasengnou d/b/a Cha New Life (“Cha New Life") to actively farm agricultural land in the Lake Hills Greenbelt, operate the Larsen Lake blueberry stand, and manage the Larsen Lake public U-pick blueberry operations for income to the City of up to $101,345.92 over the initial term, which includes $16,346 in rental income and an estimated $85,000 in blueberry sales, plus all applicable taxes.   Not available Not available
RES 10466 1f)Resolution authorizing the execution of a five-year lease agreement with two five-year extension options with Sunshine Chasengnou d/b/a Cha New Life (“Cha New Life") to operate Mercer Slough produce stand and manage the Mercer Slough public U-pick blueberry operations for income to the City of up to $102,764 over the initial term, which includes $57,764 in rental income and an estimated $45,000 from blueberry sales, plus all applicable taxes.   Not available Not available
RES 10467 1g)Resolution authorizing the execution of a five-year farm lease with two five-year extension options with Tou Cher Cha d/b/a Va Cha Garden (“Va Cha Garden”) to actively farm agricultural land in the Lake Hills Greenbelt and operate a seasonal flower and produce stand for income to the City up to $13,724 over the initial term, plus all applicable taxes.   Not available Not available
25-122 1a)Recommended Land Use Code Amendment and proposed Bellevue City Code Amendment encouraging the redevelopment of existing buildings into residential uses to respond to Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1042, a 2023 state law restricting requirements that may apply to existing buildings converting to residential use.   Not available Not available