Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/5/2023 6:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chambers (1E-126)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-426 1a)LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Proclamation   Not available Not available
23-427 1a)Bellevue Botanical Garden Award   Not available Not available
23-428 1b)Diversity Advantage Initiative and Cross-Cultural Center Project Updates   Not available Not available
23-429 1c)Environmental Stewardship Initiative Quarterly Update (Written information only. No presentation.)   Not available Not available
23-430 1d)Report of Emergency Procurement for Professional Services (Written information only. No presentation.)   Not available Not available
23-431 1a)Council Minutes Minutes of May 8, 2023   Not available Not available
RES 10258 1b)Resolution adopting the City of Bellevue 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).   Not available Not available
RES 10259 1c)Resolution awarding Bid No. 23012 to and authorizing the execution of an agreement with OMA Construction, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, to construct an accessible pedestrian pathway in Eastgate Park for an amount of $893,750.00 plus all applicable taxes.   Not available Not available
RES 10260 1d)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Ardea at Totem Lake project in the amount of $475,000, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10261 1e)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Bellevue Homes project in the amount of $203,600, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10262 1f)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Kenmore Supportive Housing project in the amount of $1,112,800, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10263 1g)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Kirkland Heights project in the amount of $358,400, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10264 1h)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Scattered Homes project in the amount of $135,700, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10265 1i)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Spring District 120th Avenue affordable housing project in the amount of $118,700, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10266 1j)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Totem Six Plex project in the amount of $25,000, as recommended by the ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) Executive Board.   Not available Not available
RES 10267 1k)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Hope Starts Here project, in an amount of $208,976 per year, for five years, adjusted annually for inflation, for operations, maintenance, and services, as recommended in the 2022 Housing Stability Program (HSP) Funding Recommendations.   Not available Not available
RES 10268 1l)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Plymouth Crossing project, in an amount of $606,036 per year, for five years, adjusted annually for inflation, for operations, maintenance, and services, as recommended in the 2022 Housing Stability Program (HSP) Funding Recommendations.   Not available Not available
RES 10269 1m)Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Spring District 120th Station TOD project, in an amount of $6,000,000, as recommended in the 2022 Housing Stability Program (HSP) Funding Recommendations.   Not available Not available
23-432 1n)Motion to award Bid No. 22069 for the Factoria Boulevard Storm Conveyance Improvements Project to Goodfellow Bros., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in an amount not to exceed $11,404,625, plus all applicable taxes (CIP Plan No. D-114).   Not available Not available
RES 10270 1o)Resolution authorizing execution of Amendment 5 to the Marymoor Park Interlocal Agreement with King County for maintenance and operation of the Bellevue/King County Marymoor Ballfield Complex.   Not available Not available
23-433 1a)Discussion of an Ordinance updating local construction codes as required by state law and amending certain provisions of chapter 23.05 BCC.   Not available Not available
23-434 1b)Discussion and direction on donation program for utility rate assistance   Not available Not available
ORD 6742 1a)Ordinance amending the Land Use Code (LUC) to create a new Section LUC 20.20.537 Micro-Apartments to establish applicability, requirements and standards for Micro-Apartments; amending LUC 20.10.440 Land Use Charts, LUC 20.25A.050 Downtown Land Use Charts, LUC 20.25D.070 BelRed Land Use Charts, LUC 20.25P.050 Eastgate Land Use Charts, LUC 20.25Q.050 East Main Land Use Chart, and LUC 20.50.034 “M” Definitions for consistency with the new Section LUC 20.20.537; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available