Meeting Name: City Council Regular Session (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/16/2018 8:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chambers (1E-126)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-116 1a)Report out on concerns raised at Oral Communications (Weeona Park and City Hall Flag Display)   Not available Not available
18-117 1a)Council Minutes Minutes of December 4, 2017 Study Session Minutes of December 4, 2017 Regular Session January 2, 2018 Study Session January 2, 2018 Regular Session   Not available Not available
RES 9358 1b)Resolution authorizing execution of all documents necessary to implement settlement of the claim brought by Sentinel Insurance Company in the lawsuit Sentinel Insurance Company v. City of Bellevue (King County Superior Court Cause No. 16-2-27514-1 SEA).   Not available Not available
18-118 1c)Motion to approve payment of claims and payroll for the period November 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.   Not available Not available
RES 9359 1a)Public Hearing and action Resolution authorizing execution of documents necessary to release a portion of two water line easements and a portion of a sanitary sewer easement located at 1035 116th Ave NE (Overlake Medical Center) that have been declared surplus to the City’s needs and are no longer required for providing continued public utility service; the granting and recording of such releases being deemed in the best interest of the public. 1. Staff Report. 2. Motion to open public hearing. (*Note: Three-minute limit per person or recognized community organization.) 3. Receive public testimony. 4. Motion to close public hearing. 5. Council discussion and action.   Not available Not available
18-119 1b)Public Hearing on the requested partial release of two water easements located at 4020 Factoria Boulevard, 12826 SE 40th Lane, and 4049 and 4101 129th Place SE; and full release of three water easements located at 4049 and 4101 129th Place SE, that have been declared surplus to the city’s needs and are no longer required for providing continued public utility service. 1. Staff Report. 2. Motion to open public hearing. (*Note: Three-minute limit per person or recognized community organization.) 3. Receive public testimony. 4. Motion to close public hearing. 5. Council discussion and action.   Not available Not available