| 1 | a) | Apprenticeship Utilization Policy and Program Proposal | | |
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| 1 | a) | Council Minutes
Minutes of January 24, 2022 Regular Meeting | | |
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RES 10066
| 1 | b) | Resolution appointing a Board Member and Alternate Board Member to the Cascade Water Alliance Board of Directors. | | |
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ORD 6649
| 1 | c) | Ordinance 1) authorizing execution of a grant agreement with the State of Washington Recreation Conservation Office (RCO) to accept $1,850,000 in Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant funds; 2) amending the 2021-2022 General Capital Investment Program (CIP) Fund to increase the appropriation by $1,850,000; and 3) amending the 2021-2027 CIP Plan to increase the budget for Parks and Open Space Acquisition (P-AD-82) by $1,850,000. | | |
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| 1 | d) | Motion to reject the bid protest of Award Construction and award Bid No. 22006 for 2022 Crosswalk Improvements (CIP Plan No. PW-R-199) to Kamins Construction as the lowest and responsive bidder, in the amount of $1,758,086.20, plus all applicable taxes. This project is fully funded by the Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy. | | |
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ORD 6650
| 1 | e) | Ordinance 1) amending the 2021-2027 General Capital Investment Program (CIP) Plan to create a new project entitled, 148th Avenue SE at Larsen Lake Flood Mitigation Project (CIP Plan No. PW-M-21) with total funding of $460,000; 2) decreasing the budget for the 150th Avenue SE at SE Newport Way Project (CIP Plan No. PW-R-202) by $60,000; 3) authorizing execution of an interlocal agreement (and supplements if necessary) with the King County Flood Control Zone District (District) to accept up to $400,000 in King County funding to support the preliminary design of the 148th Avenue SE at Larsen Lake Flood Mitigation Project; and 4) amending the 2021-2022 General CIP Fund appropriation to increase by $400,000. | | |
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RES 10067
| 1 | f) | Resolution authorizing execution of a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Bellevue and Aspect Consulting LLC in the amount not to exceed $193,106, plus all applicable taxes, to conduct a Stormwater Best Management Practices Study. | | |
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RES 10068
| 1 | g) | Resolution granting authority to the Finance & Asset Management Director or his/her designee to approve annual purchase orders for various vendors for small items not stocked by City departments, and recurring services for amounts not to exceed the estimated values for the specified vendors set forth in Attachment A to this Resolution, plus applicable taxes. | | |
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ORD 6651
| 1 | h) | Ordinance 1) authorizing execution of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with King County for the Conservation Futures open space acquisition program, providing the City with $650,000 in King County Conservation Futures proceed; 2) amending the 2021-2022 General Capital Investment Program (CIP) Fund to increase appropriation by $650,000; and 3) amending the 2021-2027 CIP Plan to increase the budget for the Parks & Open Space Acquisition (CIP Plan No. P-AD-82) by $650,000. | | |
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| 1 | a) | Informational overview of the privately-initiated proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2022 | | |
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| 1 | b) | Curb Management Plan - 2022 Annual Comprehensive Amendment Work Plan and Direction of Plan Development | | |
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| 1 | a) | RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - Approximately 20 minutes
To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. | | |
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